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Minor Modifications

Engine Transplants
Positive to Negative


Minor Modifications

Absolutely Positively Negative

A lot of Minors are still positive earth. Essentially it doesn't matter at all whether your car is positive or negative earth so long as all the accessories you have in the car are the same. So what's the problem? Well, for starters you wont be able to fit a modern stereo without a great deal of effort. All modern car stereo gear expects a negative earth power supply and most Minors came with positive earth. If yours hasn't been done already, here's how. Have you got 5 minutes?

  1. First of all, if there is a radio/cassette unit in your positive-earth Minor, then I'm afraid you'll probably have to dump it - a reverse in polarity will destroy it anyway.
  2. Next, remove both wires to the back of the generator, take the battery out and turn it around - you may have to buy new longer battery leads to suit.
  3. Take a length of spare wire and hold one end on the positive terminal of the battery and touch the other end to the small terminal on the back of the generator three or four times. Warning - it will spark as you touch it so mind your fingers! This process will reverse the polarity of the field windings of the generator.
  4. Now remove the spare wire from the positive battery terminal and put both of the other wires back on the same terminals on the generator that they came from.

And Hey Presto!

Your Minor is now negative earth. Go and buy yourself a stonking big CD/Tuner system for a job well done.


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